Job Vacancy – Funding and Liaison Officer

17 Mei 2017

Job Vacancy – Funding and Liaison Officer

oleh | Mei 17, 2017


Yayasan Inisiasi Alam Rehabilitasi Indonesia (Yayasan IAR Indonesia/YIARI) is a non-profit organization with a focus on the rescue, rehabilitation and conservation of wildlife. Yayasan IAR Indonesia rescues and rehabilitates orangutans, macaques and slow lorises with the aim to prepare these animals for release back into their natural habitat. Yayasan IAR Indonesia also engages in education and awareness programmes that convey messages to the public to treat all animals with compassion and care.

Yayasan IAR Indonesia is urgently looking for a highly motivated, dynamic and qualified individual to fill a vacant position as Funding and Liaison Officer. The selected candidate will be based at our office in Bogor, West Java and Ketapang, West Kalimantan.

Recruitment specifications:

  • Good written knowledge of English.
  • Experience in proposal writing and communications and liaison with donors
  • Some experience or background studies in biology, primatology or animal studies
  • Good skills in time management and planning
  • Good communication skills


Fundraising and reporting:

  • Proposal development for both existing and new projects
  • Assist in identifying possible funding sources
  • Assist the Program Managers and Director in the process of raising funds through applications to international funding agencies and other sources
  • Ensure timely and accurate reporting to funders, including; project updates and graphic materials
  • Adhere to reporting requirements from funding partners
  • Ensure project implementation in accordance with the approved project description

External Liason:

  • Help in the selection process of volunteers and researchers (write advertisements/project descpritions, help with selection based on CV and interviews)
  • Arrange all communications and planning for foreign volunteers and researchers prior to arrival and while at IAR facilities
  • Arrange and help with necessary permits and paperwork for volunteer and researchers in coordination with the Secretary of the Yayasan and with the administration staff
  • Assist the Program Director in communicating with donors and other external partners of YIARI under the direction of the Program Director or any of the YIARI Board members
  • Assist in communicating and other arrangements for visitors including; film crews, photographers and journalists from abroad

Other Activities:

  • Provide regular news updates and graphic materials to IAR UK about the activities and progress at both centres
  • Assist in report writing and translation of documents like annual reports, press releases
  • Support Programme Director and Programme Managers with administrative support such as, developing/improving SOPs, volunteer guidelines.

To those who are interested, please send your application along with a full resume and other relevant supporting documents to: /


Jalan Curug Nangka, Kp. Sinarwangi RT004/005, Kel. Sukajadi, Kec. Tamansari-Ciapus 16610, Kab. Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia; Tel./Fax: +62-(0)-251-8389232

Deadline for submission by 31st May, 2017.  Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Note : Please type “Funding & Liaison” as an email subject while submitting the job application.

Dukung satwa-satwa dilindungi Indonesia dengan membagikan kisah ini di sosial mediamu atau ikut berdonasi untuk satwa-satwa di pusat rehabilitasi kami dengan mengklik link di sini.


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