Job Vacancy – Executive Director Yayasan IAR Indonesia

22 Feb 2014

Job Vacancy – Executive Director Yayasan IAR Indonesia

oleh | Feb 22, 2014


Yayasan Inisiasi Alam Rehabilitasi Indonesia (Yayasan IAR Indonesia/YIARI) is a non-profit organization with a focus on the rescue, rehabilitation and conservation of wildlife. Yayasan IAR Indonesia rescues and rehabilitates orangutans, macaques and slow lorises with the aim to prepare these animals for release back to their natural habitat. Yayasan IAR Indonesia also engages in education and awareness programmes that convey messages to the public to treat all animals with compassion and care.

We welcome applications from highly dedicated individuals to fill a vacant position as Executive Director.

  • Male/female, Indonesia nationality.
  • Advanced degree in related field required (i.e. Forestry, nature conservation and wildlife protection). Doctoral level preferred.
  • Experience in the same field min. 2 (two) years.
  • Strong organizational management skills with the ability to coach staff, manage, and develop high-performance teams, set and achieve strategic objectives, and fundraising experience.
  • Computer literate with various MS Office applications (excel, word, etc).
  • Good command of English, both written and spoken.
  • Having experience in developing and maintaining good relationships with a wide range of stakeholders and/or institutions required.
  • Persuasive communication and coordination skills.
  • Good leadership skills, hard working, accountable and trustworthy.
  • Position will be based in Ciapus, Bogor, but will require regular travel to other project sites when necessary.

Principal tasks and responsibilities:
The Executive Director (ED) is responsible for the representation of the organization to other stakeholders and counterparts. The ED will also oversee the strategic, administrative and financial management of the whole organization.

Please send your application along with a full resume and other pertinent supporting documents to:
PO. Box 125, Bogor16001, Bogor

The submission deadline is on March 10th, 2014. Only candidates who meet the aforementioned criteria will be considered for an interview.

The terms of reference (TOR) and application form can be viewed through the following links:

Dukung satwa-satwa dilindungi Indonesia dengan membagikan kisah ini di sosial mediamu atau ikut berdonasi untuk satwa-satwa di pusat rehabilitasi kami dengan mengklik link di sini.


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